Your Search Questions Answered, Volume 22

By Robert Bruce @robertbruce76

It’s time to take another look at the wacky, wild world of unedited search terms that somehow find their way to 101 Books.

This is the 22nd edition of Your Search Questions Answered. But if you’re new to this game, you can see all previous editions in the archive.

Let’s get started!

if your girlfriend says whatever mst i stop saying whatever to you,what must you say?

Whatever, dude. I have no idea what you’re talking about.

is crotch a bad word

No, it’s a funny word that describes an area of the body, though. Say it with me: Crotch. Crotch. Crotch. Come on…that’s funny!

a bloody knife blade is being licked by a cat

That’s passive. Let’s rephrase it to “A cat licks a bloody knife blade.”

My toddler is saying a word that sounds like die

My toddler looks at our Christmas tree, points, and says a couple of words that sound like either “I’m pregnant,” or “F**k it.”

Harper lee’s reaction to the banning of to kill a mockingbird

Or this letter. 

when the one you love starts to irritate you

Tell them that A Dance to the Music of Time is cute little easy-to-read novel, and they absolutely should read it.

everything there is to know about catch 22 without reading the book

You’re a cheating high school student, aren’t you?

Write 50,000 words in a day.

That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of. But here’s a guy that did it.

Another word for lame sauce

I would try to think of one, but I’d rather just punch your face parts for using the term “lame sauce”—that is, unless you’re referring to stale hollandaise.

i face book more than the book face me. phrase

Are you have relations with a book? I don’t understand.

That’s all for this time.

Any strange search terms found your blog lately?