There is a constant battle raging in the spirit for our souls and although our earthly vision is limited to that of the tangible it doesn't change this fact. There is an enemy who is lurking and scheming to make his way into every situation. The Lord taught me long ago that satan can and will work through people. When he does we can react in one of two ways. We can act in the flesh or see with spiritual eyes to the truth of the matter. That truth being that the individual is no more than a puppet in the hands of our real enemy. This is by no means an easy task. We are humans and are hurt and affected by the things that happen to us. Recognizing the truth is half the battle. You gain an upper hand immediately by seeing that the enemy's hand is in the situation. Whatever your going through, whoever has hurt you, I urge you to give the situation a spiritual look. Give the battle to the Lord, forgive and go in peace. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord.
*** Angela Jennifer ***