Your Reading Group Needs This. And You Can Even Get It for Free.

By Rachelmariestone @rachel_m_stone

As Lorraine Caulton writes on the IVP website:

Reading is a solitary act. For many of us it is a form of retreat—a welcomed silence and deserved rest from our demanding routines. We have our favorite spot in the house: the unmade bed, the couch long enough to doze on, or maybe the off-limits living room. Wherever it is, when we are there with book in hand and maybe our favorite cup of tea (my favorite is anything peach) all who encounter us know to “shush.” It’s reading time.

But when you read a really good book, aren’t you just dying to talk about it? Halfway through or maybe even in the introduction, who comes to mind? There’s always someone we can’t wait to share our newfound knowledge with, or tell of our disbelief of an author’s opinion. We can agree or disagree with the author, and he or she is none the wiser. But our dear fellow reader is always eager to hear our perspective. Or at least we hope so.

In reading groups we don’t have to hope someone wants to hear our opinions—it’s expected! And even better, the idea or concept that we missed in our reading is often what our fellow readers will discover and share with us. Our “aha” moments are multiplied in conversation. Even in disagreement—maybe especially when we disagree—there is opportunity to learn from one another as we seek to understand different points of view.

“Book Club Discussion,” by Alpert Cugun. Photo courtesy Alpert Cugun via Flickr Creative Commons.

In the end, our shared conversation becomes another welcomed respite as we glean wisdom and receive understanding from one another. My hope is that the diverse assortment of titles in this first volume of Read Up will provide you and your group with books that lead to both stimulating reading and meaningful conversation.

Whether you’re looking to read contemporary issues, history, fiction, memoirs or even humor, Read Up has you covered, with descriptions, discussion questions, author conversations or excerpts for more than 30 thoughtful books. Bring Read Up to your next book club and get the conversation started.

I’m thrilled to announce that my book, Eat With Joy, is one of the books featured in Read Up. Order your paperback copy (or enough for your whole book group!) here (and you can get the paperback free when you order, oh, say, MY BOOK from IVP!)– or download your FREE e-version here.