Your Own Robotic Sub To Explore The Ocean

Posted on the 13 November 2012 by Ningauble @AliAksoz

Eduardo Labarca wants to bring the ocean you. Not through the kind of striking, high-definition imagery that Planet Earth brought, but through an immersive experience where you actually get to navigate the corals, chase the fish, explore the shipwreck yourself. Which is why Labarca created AcquatiCo, a web-based ocean exploration platform. A Kickstarter campaign has been launched for the startup. If successful, it will be the first step in the company’s goal of giving people unprecedented access to the ocean’s treasures using just their computers, tablets or smartphones. Eduardo’s vision to “democratize the ocean,” check out the impressive video from Acquatico below:

Anyone in the world can “drive” this Acquatico submarine from their smartphone, computer, or tablet to explore the ocean.