Your Monday Funny: 3.6.13

By Davidduff

Before I give you my Andra's joke of the week let me tell you what a fantastic early morning I have enjoyed today.  Glorious sunshine, not a cloud in the sky, a gentle breeze, the hedgerows burgeoning, the cow parsley as "high as an elephant's eye" and, just as I entered the village before mine, along the road came a thousand lolling tongues and a forest of waggy tails!  Well, I exaggerate, of course, but it was the local hunt moving their dogs from one location to another.  They filled the road and were a joy to behold - although I guess the local fox was not too impressed!  Then, leaving them behind I turned a corner and straight ahead, apparantly motionless in the clear blue sky, was a hot-air balloon.  They really are a lovely sight to behold.  Anyway, enough rhapsodising, back to earth with one of Andra's funnies which is short, sharp and to the point:

A man walks into a crowded local bar in Darwin brandishing a
revolver yelling,  

"Who's the bastard that's been screwing my wife?"  

A voice from the back of the bar shouts back,  

"You don't have enough ammo mate!!"