Your Home and Garden Improvement Checklist for Summer

By Kravelv

Prepare your home and garden for the warm weather that you have been fantasizing for months!  It is the time to reorganize the things in and around your home and also the perfect opportunity to call weed removal experts for thorough weed removal in the lawn or garden (more on this in a bit). But for the meantime, let’s check out the essential things to check for improvement in your home and garden.

Check Flooring and Do Carpets Cleaning

For the floor cleaning

Inspect the flooring of your home to ensure that it is prepared for the humid and hot days ahead.

  • Use curtains and blinds to keep sunlight out of it.   Just close them when the sun is directly shining on the flooring to protect them from fading.
  • At all outside entrances, use doormats to protect flooring from grit, mud and small pebbles.
  • Inspect the felt tips under the chairs and tables’ legs.  You may also want to replace them when needed.
  • Keep home humidity up to 35-55% only, the ideal temperature for the summer months according to flooring manufacturers.

For the carpet cleaning

Protect your carpet from damage and wear and tear. Employ the following tips to keep it looking good throughout the summer.

Avoid damage to the carpet by not setting it too low that can damage the roller brush, drive belt and the carpet. On the other hand, setting it too high won’t make it pick up dirt.

Raise the vacuum to the highest setting and lower it until you feel the tugging forward of the vacuum when you start cleaning the carpet.

Always vacuum especially on high traffic and entrance areas weekly. Finally, keep the dirt off the carpeting by using walk off mats inside and out.

Windows Checking

You may want to increase window insulation with shutters that are tight-fitting and thick coverings. They can prevent the transmission of air between the window glass and the window covering, saving you money on energy consumption and electricity bills.

Be sure to that your windows are energy efficient. If not, maybe it is time to upgrade.  Know your windows’ components and their energy performance ratings and find out what those indicate.

You may also weatherstrip windows to seal any air leaks. A few useful materials include vinyl, foam, felt and metal.  Learn more about weatherstripping in this Department of Energy’s article.

Weed Removal in the Garden

Prepare your garden for the summer. Remove  the weeds that make it looking unsightly, by growing in the seating place, near the garden sheds, near the flowers etc.

There are many ways of getting rid of them, such as pulling while they’re young and their roots have not fully developed.

Some homeowners also do stir the soil or cultivate it to expose the roots, so they would dry and die.  Others do mulching that can prevent weed seeds’ germination. However, not all mulches are appropriate for all locations and plants.  Some of them can mat down, forming a crust and preventing rain from soaking in the soil.

For the best results, you may want to consult weed removal experts that can perform the job efficiently and effectively.  They have been around for years helping homeowners keep their gardens free from these annoying weeds.

Feeding the lawn

Grass loves nutrients!  Summer is the best time to add fertilizer, especially nitrogen fertilizer. It can keep weeds from growing and maintain the beauty of your garden all summer.  But if you have compost pile, you may also use it instead of commercial fertilizers as well.

Repairing gates and fences

Wood warps due to cycles of cold and wet weather that might cause the gate to fall out of alignment.  This cycle may also make fence pickets falling off.  Check for the signs and be able to fix any sagging gate and damaged fences.

Putting up screen doors

If you have used storm doors, you may have to take them down now to replace with screen doors. They can let the summer breeze enter your home. However, inspect the screen and patch holes if needed because even a small one can let an insect get into your home.

Reorganizing the kitchen

Rethink ways you have arranged things in your kitchen. Move appliances you are more likely to use often in the summer in an accessible place.  Some of these include an ice cream maker or a blender.

You may also want to consider putting up stations for a specific purpose for kitchen organization. This will also help save everybody’s time and effort in performing a specific kitchen task for the summer.

Final Thoughts

Do these simple home and garden improvement tips and keep things in and around your property looking great throughout the summer.  So remember, reorganize the kitchen, remove the weeds, repair the gates and fences, put up screen doors, feed the lawn and check the windows.

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