Your Favorite Childhood Games Get Blinged by Hasbro

By Raymondleejewelers @raymondleejwlrs

If you are a woman between the ages of 24 and 34 you are being targeted by merchandisers everywhere. If you have found memories of games like Candyland, Scrabble and My Little Pony, World Trade Jewelry in particular is after you. World Trade Jewelry has just signed an agreement with game maker Hasbro to make jewelry based of some of their most iconic games.

It’s not the first time the jeweler has aligned itself with products with found memories. They have already produced a line of Hershey Kiss pendants, earrings, bracelets and rings. They then created a series of Sweetheart Jewelry. Sweetheart candy hearts are famous for their Valentine’s Day message candy hearts.

Now they are teaming up with Hasbro and merchandise that will immediately have recognition and good feelings associated with them. The new jewelry will be offered in over 10,000 locations as well as online.

Scrabble will be licensed for initialized pendants, cuff links and other items. An actual wood scrabble tile in birch or mahogany will be used and then trimmed in sterling silver or 14k gold. It is expected to be in retailers for this fall.

Candyland licensed products will include cupcakes that open into a locket, lollipops made from swirls of shiny enamel and trimmed in diamonds and an assortment of colored Swarovski crystal items. The Candyland line is also expected to be available this fall, with prices starting at under $100.

While details of the My Little Pony collection are not totally known, one would expect a series of jewelry using images from the collection of ponies not only from the series’ original run, but the re-release in 2003. Again, this line will be available for Christmas shopping later this year.

World Trade Jewelry’s match with Hasbro seems like a marketing winner, creating lifelong memories from the toys of your youth.