Your Essential Weekly Wardrobe and Outfit Planner

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Getting dressed  – how do you do that?  Well let’s think of that more like meal planning!  I’m sure that many of you plan your meals for the week so that when you go to the store you know what ingredients you need to buy to make those meals, and it really can take a lot of stress out of the daily task of putting a family meal on the table.

After writing my post about Time Management and Style, I realised that I needed to create a tool for you to use if you felt that you needed it to help you gain control over your wardrobe and style and here it is!  I’ve created a weekly wardrobe and outfit planner that you can print and use repeatedly.

I’ve made it a printable downloadable PDF or Word document (whichever you prefer).  Not only is there a weekly outfit planner inside, you will also start creating your go-to recipe book of favorite outfits so when you’re pondering, “what will I wear this week?” you can easily use this resource to spark ideas and help you quickly and easily fill out your weekly wardrobe plan.

Download your weekly wardrobe outfit planner now.