YOUR EDITORS SUCK! (Why I've Abandoned Gamesbeat)

By M00kyst @mookyst

I don't know why I'm writing this now, but I wanted to get this off of my chest.

I will no longer be posting on Gamesbeat. Why? Simply because their editorial skills are so bad there are less benefits of having an article promoted by them than not. Honestly, if you publish articles on there you gotta pray they don't promote and edit your them because it will come out looking like a shambolic mess.

Here are a *few* of the mistakes below:

That makes little sense. 'It went as bad as' - as bad at what? It went as bad as it should have gone good? My original post simply said 'It went possibly as bad as it could have gone.'

This isn't a big deal but seriously, 'game console' sounds utterly naf. I put 'games console' in my original article. So why bother editing out the 's'? They did it multiple times too. Beats me.

What in God's name are you doing editors? Editors, editors STAHP. NOWWWW. That is one of the lamest, dumbest pieces of editing I've ever seen. And they changed it from 'Well they can't use it. Simple as that.' Don't ask why.

I don't even know what to say here. Go home Gamesbeat editors, you're seriously drunk. I didn't highlight anything because it's all awful. I mean, they changed it for no reason and added in a gap between the 'And' and the previous sentence. Why? Again, I. Am. Clueless.

Those are only a small portion of the mistakes the editors made too. And all taken from ONE article. What gets me about this is that the way I'd written it before was pretty much fine but they decided to it up anyway. And the actual mistakes I DID make weren't corrected... Yeah... Makes sense....

Plus people in the comments think it's ME who made those mistakes. Great. Thanks a bunch.

One last thing I dislike about their editors is that they can sometimes make your articles sound and come across like generic, PR style affairs that sound totally scripted and not at all ballsy. I don't want any of that to invade my style. I say what I think and companies and people deal with it - or rather they #DealWithIt.

So yeah, if you were wondering why I was no longer putting content up on Gamesbeat - THAT'S why. It was a nice ride Gamesbeat and you helped me a lot but sharing my content with you is not really doing me any favours.

If you have any experience with Gamesbeat and/or want to share your thoughts then do so below! PEACE.