Your Christmas Puzzle!

By Davidduff

'Ha-ha!', or should that be 'Ho-ho!', anyway, bet you don't know what that is!  And if I tell you that it an example of Benesh notation I'll bet you still don't know what it is!  Don't worry, it doesn't reflect badly on you because only sad old coots like me with more time to spare than is good for me could be bothered to pick up this unconsidered trifle.

So, let me tell you that for years now, only off and on, mind, I'm not obsessed about it, I have wondered how, or even if, ballet choreography can be notated.  Today, feeling even more idle than usual I took a quick dip into The Telegraph obits - well, it reminds me that I'm still alive - just!  There, alas, I found a summary of the life of Joan Benesh who together with her husband, Rudolph, developed what is now the standard notation for ballet movement.  It is based on the musical five-stave layout and, happily for me because I never understood musical notation either, is even more abstruse so my chances of becoming a ballet dancer have vanished.

See, if you just live long enough and be patient all the great questions are eventually answered.  What a mine of totally useless information this blog is!