Young People Face Higher Health Risks from Alcohol Than Older Adults: Lancet Study

Posted on the 16 July 2022 by Geetikamalik

Young people face health risks higher than alcohol consumption than older adults, according to a global study published in The Lancet Journal on Friday.This is the first study to report the risk of alcohol based on geographical, age, gender, and years.This shows that the recommendation of global alcohol consumption must be based on age and location, with the most stringent guidelines targeted for men between ages 15-39, which is at the biggest risk of dangerous alcohol consumption throughout the world.

This study also shows that adults are 40 and older without the underlying health conditions can see some of the benefits of small alcohol consumption – between one and two standard drinks per day – including a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetes.Using the estimated use of alcohol in 204 countries, researchers calculated that 1.34 billion people consume dangerous amounts in 2020.

In each region, the biggest segment of the population that drinks alcohol in unsafe amounts is men aged 15-39 and for this age group, drinking alcohol does not provide health benefits and presents many health risks, the researchers said.About 60 percent of alcohol-related injuries occur among people in this age group, including motor vehicle accidents, suicide, and murder, they said.

“Our message is simple: young people should not drink, but parents can benefit from drinking in small amounts, said senior writer Emmanuela Gakidou, a professor at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, USA.”Although it might not be realistic to think that young adults will abstain from drinking, we think it is important to communicate the latest evidence so that everyone can make decisions based on information about their health,” Gakidou said.

Researchers see the risk of alcohol consumption in 22 health products, including injuries, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer using global burden 2020 disease data for men and women aged 15-95 years and older between 1990 and 2020, in 204 countries and regions.From here, researchers can estimate the average daily alcohol intake that minimizes the risk of a population.

This study also estimates how many alcohols can be taken before taking excessive risk of their health compared to someone who does not drink alcohol.The recommended amount of alcohol for people aged 15-39 before risking health loss is 0.136 standard drinks per day-a few more than one tenth of standard drinks, according to researchers.

The amount is slightly higher for women aged 15-39 years in 0.273 drinks-around a quarter of a standard drink per day.One standard drink is defined as 10 grams of pure alcohol, which is equivalent to a glass of small red wine (100ml) at 13 percent of alcohol based on volume, can or beer bottle (375 ml) in alcohol 3.5 percent based on volume based on volume, or whiskey injection or Other spirits (30 ml) at 40 percent of alcohol based on volume.This analysis also shows that for adults aged 40 and older without an underlying health condition, drinking a small amount of alcohol can provide several benefits, such as reducing the risk of ischemic heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, the researchers said.

In general, for individuals aged 40-64 years in 2020, safe alcohol consumption rates range from about half a standard drink per day (0.527 drinks for men and 0.562 standard drinks per day) up to almost two standard drinks (1.69 Standard drink per day for men and 1.82 for women), they said. For individuals over 65 years in 2020, the risk of loss of health from alcohol consumption is achieved after consuming a little more than three standard drinks per day (3,19 drinks for men and 3,51 for women).

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