Young Man Goes to Army and Throws off Religion

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
To strengthen his statements against the new Draft law that is in the process of being passed, Rav Mordechai Mazuz referenced a story he heard about one of the talmidim from his yeshiva that was taken to the army (for reasons that he seems unsure about). Rav Mazuz says that 10 months later the young man had thrown off all his religion. Obviously the point being that the army is bad because of such a story.
source: Haredim10
1. I dont believe the story. I believe it is made up just to strengthen his point. He heard about a talmid that was taken to the army though he is not sure why that threw away his entire religion with 10 months. It sounds like a bubba maiseh. He knows no details about this talmid or what actually happened.
2. Maybe he threw everything away, if it really happened, because the rosh yeshiva and his rebbeim did not call him or stay in touch with him. For whatever reason he had to go to the army, supposedly. Does that mean his rebbeim should not stay in touch with him and give him chizuk when he needs it? Where were his friends? Did they all just abandon him to the wolves because he did not have the right connections - and then they blame the wolves for eating him?
3. After however many years in yeshiva, are the students faith and beliefs so fragile that within 10 months everything is gone? Is that a quality education?
4. Perhaps his case is an outlier, and no proofs can be brought from an outlier case.
5. I am sure the army is a difficult place for many people. Depending on the circumstances, people can face enormous challenges in the army, as they can anywhere else in life. I would bet though, considering the story, if it even happened, plus my thoughts above, that this young man was already on the path to off the path well before he ended up in the army. I know of many young men that dropped their religion while still in yeshiva, and I would bet that this young fictitious man is one of them.
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