Young Chefs Graduate from Lake LA Park’s Culinary Program

Posted on the 03 February 2014 by Jim Winburn @civicbeebuzz

The following is a reader submission from Shirley Harriman of Lake Los Angeles:

Featured left to right for a class picture in this photo are Instructor Mimi Williams, DeaJai McGuire, Sorenson Park Supervisor Regina Bradley, Destiny Carfley, Instructor Ashley Johnson, and Ava McMann. DeaJai, Destiny and Ava are wearing their graduation aprons that were presented to them Friday evening January 31.

These three young chefs took a 12-week culinary class in the gymnasium’s kitchen at Sorenson Park in Lake Los Angeles. Friday night their final dish assignment was nachos. The nachos were appealing to both the eye and the palette.

The presentation of their aprons followed evaluation of their dish by their instructors. Instructors Ashley Johnson and Mimi Williams guided their young cooks through a number of dishes and an assortment of culinary necessities in the kitchen and at the table including sanitation and safety.

Looking at the picture it is evident these young chefs became very close friends.

Sorenson Park has many programs for Lake LA youth. For more information on the programs, please call the Park at 661-264-1249. There is a definite need for volunteers to help with this program and other special programs for young people in Lake LA. If you have some time to devote to our LLAker youth, please call Regina and make yourself known.

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