Young Advocates for Sarasota to Host Kick-off Mixer

Posted on the 17 January 2013 by Cr8inc @CR8inc

A group of young professionals is making sure their voice is heard when it comes to important issues in Sarasota! 

Rochelle Dudley and Rachel Denton co-chair the Young Advocates of Sarasota which is a new platform intended to engage and empower area young professionals! There is a lot going on in the city of Sarasota and many local young professionals have no clue how powerful their voice can really be. 

The Young Advocates for Sarasota was formed to be the group that increases awareness and drives engagement on local issues. "We want to educate and enlighten area young professionals on what they can do to bring the change they want to see to Sarasota". Focusing on key issues including the downtown sound ordinance, housing density and the upcoming race for Sarasota City Commission, the YAS is hoping to directly affect the future growth and economic development of Sarasota as a whole! 

The group is comprised primarily of young professionals that either live in or work downtown Sarasota but they hope to expand their reach to the entire county and hopefully have a regional impact as the organization grows. 

The Kick-off Mixer is their "coming out party" if you will. It is intended to showcase their members, their message and their power. There are a bunch of local elected officials who will be in attendance as well as a number of candidates and community leaders who understand that the voices of area young professionals will be heard! 

If you are a young professional looking to get involved be sure to come out and get involved with the Young Advocates of Sarasota and let the city know that we will be heard! 

The mixer will be held Wednesday February 6th on the 3rd floor at the HuB building downtown Sarasota, 1680 Fruitville Rd. 

You can RSVP for the event here 


Tags: Young Professionals