You've Got Mail

By Mpartyka @mpartyka2
Hello Friends,
I love the movie You've Got Mail, have you watched it?  With Thanksgiving just weeks away I may watch it this weekend. 

This my third post in November... my way of sending you mail {wink}. 
Over the summer I researched web design options that allow me to update book reviews while providing a journal/article space. I made the change last week. If you haven't clicked to the blog in November, please do and let me know if you like the new format. Special thanks to Chaitra, from Pink Pot Design, for building an easy to use design. 
Talking Turkey...
Thanksgiving is just two weeks away.  What are you doing for Thanksgiving?
Last year we ran the Turkey Trot and hosted a 'more the merrier' Thanksgiving.
When I look at the photo below, I'm reminded of dietary restrictions, and personality conflicts. Cooking for six families, 25 people.  Two different couples don't like each other but tolerate each other. This made for an interesting energy in the house.
We are not hosting Thanksgiving this year.  We will run the Turkey Trot, and enjoy a meal with friends. 
It will be lovely.
Dare I say it... I spent thirty minutes looking at winter decorations on pinterest before getting out of bed this morning!  We will be traveling most of December but I want to create a festive mood for the couple house sitting. 
We are hosting an 80's theme holiday party this year. I need to start planning since it's just 24 days away. Should I channel Madonna or Molly Ringwald?  Dress up as who I was, or something fun and new? Maybe I should focus on the menu and get the rental order placed. Priorities(!)  
I leave for Switzerland two days after the party {pinch me}. 
I'm listening to Note on a Scandal, and reading SelectionSelection is a genre I never read, dystopian.  Let's see how I do!
I can't believe I start training for London Marathon in thirty days. I lived in Minnesota when I trained for Boston Marathon, running e.v.e.r.y mile on a treadmill.  Living in New Jersey will let me do all of my training outside {whew}.
Earlier this week I entered the lottery for NYC half marathon in March.  *Fingers crossed*
Speaking of running, I need to get in a run before the rain starts.  I promise to check in soon!
   Much love, Mari
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