You, Too, Were Meant to Live in Utopia

By Albert Wagner @albertwagner4
"God's intent was only for you to live in paradise."
Sometimes people use this quote in reference to an interpretation of the Bible.   It is kind of an interesting quote and it can get one to think (which is what these posts are for).  The Garden Of Eden itself is often referred to as paradise.
You might respond by stating this does not seem to be the case.  That is understandable.
You might also respond by asking if God's plan was thrown off.
Perhaps a review of the Book Of Genesis would help.  This post examines why the Bible is interpreted this way and speculates on what life would be like if it were the case.

This world is not paradise and God's plan was NOT changed, to answer those questions.
Humans In Paradise These are some indications the author thinks that God intended life to be pleasant for us.  That is, until Adam disobeyed God.
1. It states repeatedly in the Book Of Genesis that what God created was good.
Good is a relative word, and thus implies it is preferred over something else. 
There are many interpretations of the Garden Of Eden, but they all describe an aesthetically appealing place.  The word "eden" even means bliss, delight and peace.
Would God create something that was not good?
2. Humans were made in the image of God
Whatever this means where would God desire to live?  He can choose, after all.
It is hard to equate God with anything but paradise.
3. Satan was a fallen angel created by God.
This means as a created being Satan has less power than God.
This implies that Satan can tempt you (and does), but Jesus ultimately won the battle for you.  The Resurrection of Jesus defeated the common enemies of man, even of the results are not apparent now.
Satan might be the king of this world, but you still have choices.
4. The fruit was made available to give humans free will, and not so they might fail.
Some people wonder why God would give Adam the chance to have the forbidden fruit if he didn't want him to take it.
Simply put, the Garden Of Eden was like a testing ground.  God wanted a testing ground because he wanted humans to be able to choose whether to come to him or not. 
Some people say the attribute of free will is one way God shows he loves us.  He could have forced humans to come to him like robots.

What If Adam Obeyed God?
This is just for fun, since it is speculation.  It would be fun to think about what life would be like if Adam obeyed God in the Garden Of Eden.  Since God is all-knowing he knew this would not take place, anyway.
It is implied it would be a life without evil, in which everyone got along blissfully without problems.  In other words it would be nothing like the life we know.
For instance, in this world there would NOT be things such as:
  • Sickness/Disease
  • Scarcity
  • Fear
  • Loneliness
  • Disappointment
This list could go on and on, but you should get the point. Would that be grand?
If things were all "perfect" that would be another post.
How would YOU describe paradise?
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