You Should Know About Dedicated Hosting Vs. Shared Hosting

Posted on the 16 November 2015 by Savita Singh @Compgeekblog


Every website owner has to choose the operating method, whether it will have shared or dedicated hosting. Your business internet platform will be based on how it will be managed. For running and maintaining a website, the webmaster needs to decide which type of hosting is best. There are many options for shared and dedicated hosting and many factors to consider. Both of these methods have pros and cons. This article will give you more information about each method.

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is also known as virtual hosting. When you pay a monthly fee to a third-party hosting service provider to use their equipment for your web server, you are using shared hosting. Everything from backup and security to server settings are done by the provider. They also manage your bandwidth. Your only task in shared hosting is to develop the content for your business website. With this method, you have to share the server for your website with many other websites.

There are several pros and cons, but the main disadvantage is sharing your website’s resources. Essentially, your website traffic will be affected by the other websites’ traffic because they are hosted on the same server. The features of shared web hosting are specified here:

 IP Address Sharing

As your server is shared with other websites, your IP address will obviously be the same. If the other websites happen to be blacklisted for any illegal activity or spamming, you will also be punished the same.

 Response Time

Because there may be more than one website running from the same server, the response time will be longer for each additional website. Because of this, your visitors may need to wait longer, and after waiting, they may not want to visit your website again, which could reduce your website traffic.

 Server Crashes

Sometimes, if activity is not monitored by the server host properly, the server can become overloaded and even crash. In shared hosting, this is a common scenario. This may ruin all of your valuable resources.

 Cost-Effective

Cost factor is the most important part. Shared hosting is economical when you are sharing the server with others. The web host providers also assist you by providing the required hardware, so you don’t need to invest in any resources. If you have small business, it is quite hassle-free and cost-effective for you.

 Security

For any web activity, ensuring good security is an essential part. In shared hosting, this critical part is handled by the service provider. The server maintenance and monitoring is not your responsibility, so you don’t need to worry about it and there is less hassle.

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated hosting is just the opposite of shared server hosting. Dedicated hosting provides more security, greater efficiency, and fewer problems for your website. Dedicated web hosting service is used mostly by bigger businesses and corporations, or the ones with a large amount of traffic.

Dedicated simply means that your web server is entirely dedicated to your website and only your web traffic. As with shared hosting, there are also some pros and cons of dedicated web hosting, as specified here:

 Response Time

Because the server is dedicated only to your website, you will get faster response time, and your visitors will wait less. This helps to increase the traffic to your website.

 Bandwidth

On a shared hosting server, there is a bandwidth limit for each website that cannot be exceeded. This is not applicable with dedicated server hosting. The bandwidth amount is your responsibility on your server.

 Controlling Power

You are your own boss and no other website can hog your resources. You can install any application and carry out as much script testing as you want. You are totally free here to run your website the way you see fit.

 Greater Security

Comparatively you can achieve a greater security level by controlling your own security settings. The web host will provide you backups if you need.

 Higher Cost and Hassle

Since you are solely responsible to monitor and regulate the server, it may be hassle for you if any difficulty occurs. There is also costs incurred because you will have to manage the hardware and invest equipment and security. There may also be regular maintenance costs. Because of this, dedicated server hosting is better for big web-based companies and large organizations or social networking sites.

The internet platform choice is on you. You need to choose based on your requirements, the size of your business, and the traffic to your business. You should considered the options very carefully before making any decision.