“You’re So LUCKY!” and Other Falsehoods…

By Erika Brechtel @smallshopstudio

I’m at the Lucky FABB Conference today! In honor of this amazing opportunity, I wanted to touch on a topic that is close to my heart. Someone* recently said to me, “You’re so LUCKY to have your house in a magazine! I WISH I had the time to blog.”

After reading this article “15 Powerful Things Happy People Do Differently” that Lauren posted last week, and “The Real and Good Career” from Jess, it got me thinking about this idea of being “lucky” and “wishing” as if good things come to those who sit around and wait. False.

I guess I thought it was important to share with you that the “luck” that I appear to be having is the tangible result of a conscious decision I made about a year and a half ago, when I rebranded my company, myself, this site (v3 coming soon!), when I started up this blog, and have worked so hard since: to put myself, my brand, and my ideas out there every day, in order to connect with like-minded individuals and businesses, attract a certain quality of clientele, gain exposure through press and events, and build my own experiences both professionally and personally.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people complain about their situations, and do nothing about it; as if we are somehow bystanders in what happens to us. But on the contrary, only we are in control of how we shape our lives, aren’t we? Let’s take responsibility for our choices and our outlook, every day. (Not easy, I know.)

On the flip side, let’s take responsibility for our mistakes and shortcomings. Own them, work on them. I know for myself I still have a TON of figuring out to do, and there will always be challenges. And that’s ok.

In closing, look to this sampling of inspirational, proactive, hard-working, talented women who have recently changed their situations and continue to shape their lives:

Tamra of ever swoon
Liz of Elizabeth Schneider Style Consultant
Mackenzie of Design Darling
Alex of Alexandra Berlin Design
Taylor of Glitter Guide
Jen of MadeByGirl
Danielle Moss and Alaina Kaczmarski of The Everygirl
Amber of VENZedits/ RewardStyle

I’m gonna guess they’ll all tell you, it’s not “luck”.

Poster image from www.basicneeds.ca
*This person does not actually read my blog, so this post is not a passive aggressive response…just wanted to point that out!