'You Negroes Wonder Why I Call Ya'll Savages'- Direct Quote From A Black Man Over Trayvon Rallies (Video)

Posted on the 15 July 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
Controversial headline, but a direct quote and not near as controversial as the other things this very calm, cool and collected black man says in the 3:27 minute video shown below. I don't know his name, just that it was uploaded on YouTube by someone using the handle gordgeck.
What I do know is that if anybody other than  an African American had uttered the words he says, made the points he makes or called out the Trayvon Martin protesters as he does, they would call them racist.
The comments below the video range from "Please run for President. Be the Man Obama said he would be when he lied to us all," to "I have to agree with this guy. If he were white & said the same thing, everyone would be outraged."