You Mean the World to Me… Harlaxton Manor Wedding Part One

By Claire

There’s only one photo miss­ing from the first part of this wed­ding blog: the one described by Beau­ti­ful Life wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Shaun Foulds on his blog: “Alex was also get­ting ready in the vil­lage so I was able to pho­to­graph her get­ting into the wed­ding car (I did have to do a slight jog over the field to make sure I was at the church when she arrived, but nobody saw me so that was ok!!)” now I’d like to have seen that!

Enjoy x

Har­lax­ton Manor wed­ding (Lin­colnshire) part one!

“My dress was by Augusta Jones from Ellie Sanderson’s shop in Bea­cons­field. I knew that I wanted lace and one that wasn’t strap­less. It was the first dress that I tried on at Ellie Sander­son and was per­fect!

The wed­ding started at St Andrew’s church in the Lin­colnshire coun­try­side. It was so spe­cial to have all of our friends and fam­ily packed into such a lit­tle church! We chose some great hymns and were so lucky to have my dad com­pose an anthem which was sung dur­ing the sign­ing of the reg­is­ter. He also wrote the music which we went out to!”

The church was full of beau­ti­ful flow­ers that my mom had arranged, most of which came from the gar­den. They were lovely and tied in so well to the bou­quets which Emma at The Grantham Florist had arranged. Before leav­ing the church in our 1930s SS Jaguar , our guests show­ered us with con­fetti from dried petals. There was so much of it and made for some great photos!

Clas­sic black tails for the groom and ush­ers! James chose to wear a dou­ble breasted waist­coat to be a bit dif­fer­ent. Very few places would hire dou­ble breasted waist­coats so we bought one instead and it is an excel­lent memento from the day!

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher: Beau­ti­ful Life

Dress: Ellie Sander­son bridal bou­tique, Buck­ing­hamshire

Bou­quets and table flow­ers: The Grantham Florist

Car: Glad­stone Car­riages (based in Rut­land)

Band on arrival: Happy Jazz — from Melton Mow­bray more infor­ma­tion and reviews here:

Evening band: Guy Gar­rett — The Good Guys Orches­tra

Click the Google thingy to make sure you don’t miss part two tomorrow!