You’ll Need “Thick Skin” Not To Be Upset By These Body Issues

By Lamamma @LAmamma1

It’s the biggest organ in the body, it’s our skin, and we truly have to look after it. Particularly if we want to look and feel our best. However, it can be tough to have perfect skin, all over our body, all of the time, as there are many problems and issue that we can encounter. Below some of the most common are discussed as well as some suggestions on how to deal with them. Suggestions, other than just toughen up and have thick skin in the psychological sense that is! Read on for more information.

Rough Skin

Dry, rough skin is something that we can experience in all different places on our bodies. Making it embarrassing for us to reveal those body parts and limiting the styles and fashions we can wear.

To deal with this, it’s important to establish what is causing the roughness or dryness. First, rule out a medical problem like eczema or psoriasis, something you can find out more about at Food allergies can also cause itchy rough skin so it may be worth investigating this option as well. After you can eliminate possible medical problems then, look to the products that offer solutions for more general issues.

In particular dry skin can benefit from being ready exfoliated. Visit to find out more about this procedure and why it is so vital to keep your skin in the best condition possible. Also, intensive moisturizers can help with this issues. Especially ones that are scent and color free, as these reduce the risk of further irritation that can aggravate dry skin, rather than help reduce it.

Cracked heels

Cracked heels are a dry skin condition that is limited to the feet, particularly the heel and underfoot area. If left for a long time without treatment they can get into such a bad state that the skin dries out and cracks, making it painful to walk and impossible to wear open back shoes like the ones mentioned at

To treat dry heels, it is important to deal with this problem on a regular basis, as it’s something that will continue to occur over time. Especially if you spend a lot of time walking, running or on your feet all day.

Some folks swear by creams that contain artificial urea in them, as this acts on the dry cells breaking them down and allowing them to slough off. Other people use a file to remove the build-up and then wear moisture socks during the night to help regenerate the area. Although it is worth bearing in mind that both of these solutions need to be done several times before you will see good results.

There are also some newer products on the market such as dry skin socks, that release chemicals into the skin as you wear them.  Stimulating the current layer of epidermis to slough off, supposedly leaving soft new skin underneath. Be wary of these though, because they seem like a bit of a flash in the pan, fad to me. They also include you shedding your foot skin all over the house which is pretty gross and unhygienic, to say the least!