You Know You're a Crunchy Mom When...

By Craftycrunchymama
I was having an online conversation with a crunchy mom's group the other day and the topic of discussion was: You know you're a crunchy mom when...
Some of the things that were mentioned were so true and a little funny. I thought I would share a few. Maybe you know someone like this or maybe it is you!
You know you're a crunchy mom when:
1. When the majority of your conversations at your parents' or in-laws' house starts with "I don't let him do/eat that".
2. If a response to a when-question, you answer... "well, when the baby decides to."
3. When most of your grocery shopping has to happen between 7 & 11:00 am on Saturday because that's when your farmer is at the market.
4. When you do a lot more laundry but have a lot less trash.
5. When "put some breastmilk on it" is the first thing out of your mouth if someone has an illness or gets hurt.
6. When coconut oil is your: furniture polish, eye makeup remover, diaper rash cream, cooking oil, lip balm, nipple cream, and skin ointment.
7. When you try to wash diapers while Hubby is working so he doesn't find out just how many rinses you really do.
8. When you can't remember the last time you had sex in your own bed.
9. When you feel the need to state a disclaimer whenever you meet new mommy friends, like "You should probably know, we are a little weird..."
10. When you tell your message board friends about the CDs you have for stripping and not one person thinks you mean a soundtrack to a sexy dance for your husband.
Do you have anything to add to the list? I would love to hear!