You Know It’s Going to Be a Good Race When…

By Brisdon @shutuprun

You know it’s going to be a good race when you are coughing like a four-pack-a-day-smoker (damn cold that will not go away. Colds should be illegal during the summer. But, then I would be in jail) AND it is that time of the month.

Here I am pre-triathlon heading for the bathroom with a special item. Can you find it? I am very sly. And, no, it is not a condom or a cigar.

I have done this Longmont sprint tri for a few years, so I know the course. I was hoping for a PR. My time last year was 1:17. I dissected the numbers and decided I could probably do a 1:15 if I did not cough up a lung or lose my tampon on the course.

I tried something new this year. I put myself in a heat of swimmers I thought were faster than me, thinking it would make me faster. It didn’t really work as my swim was only 15 seconds faster, but hey, it was still faster. From the moment I started swimming I knew I was much more tired than I should have been. I chalked it up to the cold, but I had a feeling the PR might not happen.

At the swim to bike transition I could not get my helmet on, dropped my GU, knitted a sweater and wasted some time. I really pushed on the bike, again sucking freaking air the whole time and spitting. I think my average speed for the 12 miles was 19.5 mph, which is good for me, so I’ll take it.

I did the 5K run in 25 minutes (8 min/mile pace). That’s all I have to say because it was really just a lot of heavy breathing, spitting and wanting to be done.

My final time? 1:14! A three minute PR for me. Good enough for 2nd in 45-49 old lady group and 5th woman overall.

As usual I still got beat by our Mayor who is 62 years old. Dude did 22 mph on the bike average. I want to be like him when I grow up (nice photo bomb, Leigh – grow up).

With my mini-me:

This is what happens when you give your camera to someone to take a picture, but they love themselves more than you (nice tonsils):

Ken had  a strong race too. Those who race together stay married longer. I just made that up but it sounds good. 19 years on June 17 baby!

Then I came home, after eating a huge breakfast burrito, and created a recipe that I am going to pass onto my grandkids:

1/2 cup Cap’n Crunch
1/2 cup Honey Bunches of Oats
1/2 cup Cinnamon Toast Crunch
3/4 cup milk
1 spoon


Tell me about your race this weekend. I just did.

Do you mix cereals or are you a solo cereal kind of person? I prefer a mix.

Do your kids come to your race finishes? No, not usually unless it is a really “important” race I have been training forever for. Yesterday, Sam actually wanted to come (without being asked!) and got up himself and Emma and came to the finish. I thought that was pretty cool.


A special thanks to X2 Performance for helping boost my performance and recovery – the stuff works!