You Don’t Need a Greenhouse to Grow Food

By Omamas @jeannjeannie

This is a sponsored post written by us on behalf of The Home Depot.

Jeanne and Abby here.

You guys already know that we grow a lot of our own food.  Not only is it convenient to step outside and grab what you need, but it’s even more satisfying to reap the nutritional benefits of organic gardening at home.

Remember a few weeks back when we told you all about our involvement in Home Depot’s Garden Campaign?  Well, we thought it a good fit to use that opportunity and show you how we grow food, even in small spaces.

And though we both have gardens (Abby also has a greenhouse, and Jeanne’s only a little jealous), we also have containers strategically placed around the yard (and in the house) growing food.

We started this planning weeks ago.  But maybe you recall that the last time we went to Home Depot to start planning we ran into a few (four totally adorable) roadblocks?

And as cute at they are, we needed some alone time.  So last night, we bit the bullet and escaped to The HD on our own.  Is it wrong that we LOVED walking around the garden center and not have to have one eye on each kiddo?  We actually had time to make a plan!  We live in a small town, and needed to see what exactly our Home Depot had in stock.  Luckily, they were well stocked and we’ve got plenty of choices!

We were both immediately drawn to these pots.  Don’t they just make you happy?  Can’t you picture bright red tomatoes in that big yellow pot?  Or rosemary in that beautiful aqua one?

Jeanne’s throwing around the idea of adding another raised bed to her garden, and Steve was super helpful (cheesy, but true!).  It was only a little awkward to ask him to smile for a picture.

As gorgeous as they are, we tend to stay away from glazed pots because of the potential for leaching lead or cadmium into your soil (and therefore into your produce … and if we wanted chemicals in our veggies, we probably wouldn’t be gardening).

For an organic garden, terra cotta is always a good choice because it reduces the amount of extra watering you have to do in container gardens (except, of course, if you live in an extremely cold climate … like Montana … as they will expand and shrink and crack if they are exposed to real cold so they have to be moved indoors for the winter).

Fiberglass is another option.  Lightweight.  Versatile.  They come in great color choices.  Different sizes.  And they’re really reasonably priced.

And then there are wooden barrels … another great option.

Truth is, Abby already has at least five of these on her deck.  They were purchased nearly four years ago from Home Depot and have weathered beautifully!

And if this happens to be your first time at O’Mamas … we live in Montana (yes … that “extremely cold climate” where terra cotta isn’t ideal).  So wood is a really good choice.  It protects the roots from drastic weather changes.  It’s easy to maintain.  And it’s available untreated so there’s no fear of chemical leaching.

And yes, it is mid-April and still snowing here.  So you likely won’t see too many big plants in our containers while we’re working on this project.  But fear not, about two months ago (before we knew we’d be involved in this campaign), we started seeds indoors.  WHEW!  And can we just say how thankful we are that Home Depot not only carries organic, but also heirloom seeds?!  (We’ll explain the difference this week.)

We didn’t actually purchase anything last night… unless you count the sushi afterwards.

We had a once in a blue moon dinner together sans the kids.  We sipped on sake and ordered one too many rolls.   Best of all… we were actually able to make a plan!

And we have a plan for you to … because we firmly believe that even if you live in the smallest New York apartment, there’s room somewhere in your life to grow food.

Stay tuned and we’ll give you all the details on how to make this happen.  We’ll be discussing soil, plant depths, organic fertilizers and which foods grow best in containers.

We’ll be getting the ball rolling on Monday.  It’d be great fun if you’d join us!

It’s home improvement time, and The Home Depot has everything you need to #DigIn for Spring. No matter what projects you want to tackle, they have great values on all you need. They’re ready to help you with renovation ideas and expert advice, too.

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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of The Home Depot.