You Can’t Kill History, and You Can Always Fix a Clock

Posted on the 24 December 2014 by Calvinthedog

I believe that in 1932, Jews were 1% of the German population and they had 32% of the wealth. In the very next year, not surprisingly, a virulently anti-Semitic Nazi party took over the country.

There are not many countries that will put up with a minority group of 1% hoarding 32% of the wealth in the nation while the majority natives flounder. It would be very nice if humans were altruistic enough to allow such hoarding without rising up against the hoarders.

Long before Marx was born, there were peasant uprisings, often very bloody, all over the world. Typically the peasants would rise up and kill some or all of the rich. This was long before Russia in 1917 or China in 1949. This sort of thing is inevitable, humans being what they are. Recently some ruling class folks like Fukuyama stated that history was over and there would never be another peasant rebellion again, so the rich could continue to hoard as much money as possible and immiserate the rest of us to the max.

He’s crazy.

Clocks don’t run backwards and when they stop, it it trivial to get them fixed. You can’t stop history no matter how much superhuman rich and their lackeys think they can. Past a certain point of oppression, you are simply in a revolutionary situation. That usually doesn’t continue very long until there is an actual peasant and worker uprising of some sort.