You Are Not Special But Your Purchases Are

Posted on the 13 September 2012 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

Ever wondered what loyalty/club card programs are for at grocery stores? Or why Nordstrom’s asks for your email address? The real reason isn’t to save you money, it’s to track your purchases. While they are doing this, they are also tracking which advertising channels you respond best to. With this information, they send customers targeted ads in the method most likely to get a response. This means that they analyze what you buy and then try to upsell you on related and complementing items.

While this is good (as we get more relevant ads and stores make more revenue), it all starts to get a bit creepy when you think about stores knowing everything you buy and what they really know about you. Only 34% of people think this is ok! And only 28% of people are ok with loyal customers getting better deals.

Infographic Source: Visual Archive