You Are Not My Mother (2021) Movie Review

By Newguy

You Are Not My Mother – ABC Film Challenge – Horror – Y – You Are Not My Mother – Movie Review

Director: Kate Dolan

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Writer: Kate Dolan (Screenplay)


Plot: In a North Dublin housing estate Char’s mother goes missing. When she returns Char is determined to uncover the truth of her disappearance and unearth the dark secrets of her family.

Runtime: 1 Hour 33 Minutes

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Story: You Are Not My Mother starts as we meet Char (Doupe) who has been raised on a North Dublin housing estate. Her mother Angela (Bracken) is distant and often confused with her own mental state. However, after dropping Char at school, she vanishes without a trace.

After spending time searching for Angela, she reappears suddenly. However, she starts acting stranger than before, as Char becomes more worried about the woman that has returned.

Verdict on You Are Not My Mother

You Are Not My Mother is a horror drama following a teenage girl who has always struggled to fit in but when her mom vanishes, her life changes more. However, upon her return, everything becomes even more complicated. Leading down a path to learn more about her early childhood.

This is a tense horror that dives into the horrors of Irish mythology mixed with mental health problems. It shows us how the teenagers already difficult life becomes more complicated as her world unfolds. With genuine creepy scenes throughout we are left with a disturbing story. The performances are excellent with Hazel Doupe taking the leading role.

Final ThoughtsYou Are Not My Mother is a tense atmospheric horror movie.