You Are My Sunshine.

By Momfashionlifestyle @Fashnlifestyle

So it’s Monday… wahoo. These past few days really made me want it to hurry up and be Summer already.  This weekend it was in the high 70’s here in San Diego, and let me tell you, it was awesome. We spent some time at the beach for a little R&R, went to Farmers Market and Balboa Park, and ate way too much food.  I made a glazed ham with fresh pineapple, and cherries (covered in brown sugar), Rosemary baked potatoes, a green bean casserole, and brownies filled with peppermint espresso beans and Jr. Mints.  Yes that was enough food to feed an army, which I do not have… and I ate almost all the brownies myself… but they were amazing. All you do is mix the candies into the batter last before you bake it. And Oh my goodness.. best brownies ever. Needless to say with all my cooking and eating I did not get any food photos, sorry! Hope you were surrounded by those you love too!

{Forever 21 Top and heart ring (current), old cutoff shorts, Minnetonka three layer boot, American Eagle Mens Belt and buckle, Kate Spade Sunglasses}