You Are a Gift to Me

By Shawnaschuh

Image by petalouda62 (so busy...) via Flickr

You reading this post is a gift – even if I don’t know you’re doing it, even if I don’t know you personally yet.

Because I’ve made this commitment to write each day – well, Monday through Friday anyway – the gift is that I will find something of interest to share, that I will provide a new thought to you, a new wrinkle of discovery about something you can mull over or use in your life and work.

You keep me going –

Along the way some incredible things happen. I look at experiences differently. Every quote is fonder for new thinking for me to see how I can apply it for you and that’s fun.

This one I found by Franklin P. Adams sums up my process perfectly –  “I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way.”

I have been amazed and delighted how that happens – and it happens when I’ve been seeking something to share with you – so it’s not the discovery that is the greatest gift – it’s the journey to find things.

Thank you for that!

Remember You Create Your Day by the way You Think! Be Present!

Go make it a Magnificent Day!

Blessings, Shawna