Yonas Michael Astounds with Agressive Flow on ‘blessed’ [stream]

Posted on the 04 March 2015 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

Yonas Michael – Blessed SoundCloud

One would not expect such an aggressive flow from Y-O (one half of the West Coast Hip-Hop duo U-N-I, who now goes by Yonas Michael). Within the first fifteen seconds of the track, you get to hear the beginnings of a soul sample that promptly morphs into an early Kanye-esque “Chipmunk Soul” type beat from producer Professor H, who seems to rock the boards with ease. Michael’s flow, an up-tempo, aggressive and fast-paced cadence compliments the choppiness of Professor H’s backdrop beat. Overall, the song is somewhat braggadocios – but it works perfectly.