
By Bgme @babygearmom

If your kids like ice cream but you don’t care for the sugar – this may be a happy medium for you.  Yonanas takes regular fruits and veggies and turns them into ice cream!  No sugar, milk or anything else added.  All natural, all the way!

Here’s how it works.  Freeze the fruits and veggies you want to use.  When you’re ready, take them out, and insert them into the juicer-like appliance.  Believe it or not, you’ll get the consistency of ice cream!  I used it with bananas, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.  The banana strawberry combo was a fave among my testers.

Yonanas assembles and disassembles easily and clean up doesn’t take long at all.   The process is loud (like a juicer or blender) so you can’t really sneak a healthy ice cream-making session with your kids in the house.  $50 at www.yonanas.com.