Yogurt Coconut Scones

By Ally @allykitchen

Watch the magic that happens in these easy coconut yogurt scones! Yes, the yogurt makes them more gut friendly! Simple and perfert!

Scones with Yogurt

I'm using just not yogurt. Not Greek yogurt. Yep, I'm using Bulgarian yogurt. Considered the 'king' of yogurts, if you've never tried it, then do!

According to Tasting Table:

"Varying techniques, fermentation methods, and starter cultures are what distinguishes one type of yogurt from another. However, in the tantalizingly tart Bulgarian yogurt, the bacteria used - Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus - are the key differentiating factor (via Bacillus Bulgaricus)."

Now if you want even more probiotics in your yogurt and in this recipe, then you can use kefir. It's a more 'thick liquid' consistency and it's loaded with probiotics. For this recipe, you'd simply need to add kefir a little at a time until you get the thick dough like consistency.

You might also like checking out my gut-friendly breads with kefir. OMG, to die for!

Easy Scones Recipe

What I love about these yogurt coconut scones is that they really don't 'look' like scones, but more like a big unstructured biscuit. So, we can call them biscuit scones.

And, that makes for the best recipes for scones. A recipe that you can bake as a 'biscuit' and one that will work for a traditional shaped scone.

Coconut Scone

I absolutely love love coconut. And, if you've not tried my coconut crinkly scones, then check them out. If you're a coconut lover like me, it's going to be another option for a great biscuit scone!

Healthy Scones with Yogurt

What makes these scones extra special and healthier?

The yogurt. And, I'm using Bulgarian yogurt.

Unlike Greek yogurt, Bulgarian yogurt isn't strained and it retains the whey, which is quite nutritious with calcium and essential minerals.

While Greek yogurt has a little more protein, Bulgarian yogurt gives us more of those important probiotics that are good for our guts.

Another plus of Bulgarian yogurt is that it's virtually lactose free. It's the unique bacteria in it that creates this benefit.

Easiest Scones Recipe

I used to be 'afraid' of making scones. For some reason, I thought it would be complicated. Difficult. Require some pastry training. Wrong. These are some of the easiest scone recipes you'll find.

Fresh Orange Cranberry Scones Buttermilk Blueberry Scookies Apple Filled Scone Cake