Yogic Numerology

By Nadine
I had one of those amazing moments on Saturday. I have a book on Kundalini Yoga (The Kundalini Yoga Experience). I've had it for years, since I took a Kundalini course in Victoria.
I don't use the book much now, except for the Chakra information which I use when I teach Chakra Meditation. On Saturday, I picked it up to look for additional readings for the end of my Yoga classes. And came upon the Yogic Numerology section.
I know that I've read this section before because my numbers are all done up in the book. And I can imagine that when I read it back then, it didn't mean a lot to me. But now that I'm at a different point in my journey, wow!
Yogic Numerology has 5 numbers: Soul, Karma, Gift, Destiny and Path. The Soul and Karma numbers reveal challenges. The Gift number is just that, a gift. The Destiny number relates to past lives. The Path is what you are meant to do in this lifetime.
While I related to all of my numbers, I was particularly hit with the Soul and Karma numbers which to me really did represent 2 big challenges I've faced in my life.
I'm sure this is not the same experience everyone would have, but for me Yogic Numerology let me have a little more insight into my life. It helped me feel more connected to my journey through this world.