Yoga Video Monday

By Healingyoga

As s blogger, I'm a big fan of the written word. Still, let's not forget about the power of video (you may have heard of a little site called YouTube?). Rather than babble on today in my usual fashion, I think I'll offer up some interesting video (with just a brief bit of commentary from yours truly):

Yoga Is
If you ask 100 people what yoga is, I have a feeling you'd get 100 different answers. Yes, you could go with a traditional definition of yoga, but many folks like to define it in regards to how it has impacted their lives. Personally, I get a bit of a deer in the headlights look when asked the what is yoga question. It feels so big to me. In my training, I was given the elevator speech definition of yoga as influenced by the Yoga Sutras: yoga is concentration (yes, this is the bullet version). I tend to define it just as simply -- for me it's about creating space, tuning in, honoring myself. What is yoga to you?

Yoga Is from Suzanne bryant-cunha on Vimeo.

Debunking Ayurveda Myths
In my last post I gushed about my favorite Ayurveda App for my Android phone (unfortunately, when I tired to download the same app for my iPad, I was informed that the app was no longer available on iTunes -- boo hiss! I apologize to all of you Apple folks out there!).  This time I'd like to share an excellent video from the lovlies over at Tranquil Space Yoga that talks about the reality of Ayurveda. This is a great video for anyone interested in Ayurveda but thinks that it's too difficult to follow. Check it out:

The Story of Yoga -- in 5 Minutes
Now I think that the story of yoga is a bit more complex than 5 minutes of video can provide, but this is a pretty nifty video that primes the pump so to speak. Now I'm a little biased towards this video, as I'm a fan of the Krishnamacharya lineage, which this video emphasizes. Enjoy this brief yoga primer:

Michael Pollan Weighs in On What Yogis Should Eat
This is more of a link with a video included rather than a straight up video. Elephant Journal recently posted this article covering Michael Pollan's keynote discussion at the NY Yoga Journal Conference. Vegetarian, vegan, raw foodist, meat eater, junk foodist -- there's a lot of controversy in regards to what diet is best for a yoga practitioner and the world at large. While I'm not a fan of dictating what yoga practitioners should eat, I appreciate the conversation and all of the comments that it brings along with it. Click here to read all about it and join in on the discussion.
