Yoga Essentials – Clever Yoga with Hello Misha

By Linsibrownson @CleverSpark

One of the very coolest things about yoga is you need literally nothing other than yourself, some time and a small space to practice. No machine, no specific sneakers – no shoes at all, in fact.

But now that I’ve been practicing a while, I admit I’m kind of spoiled. There are a few things that really make it easier for me to return to my practice again and again. Here they are.

Really good yoga pants – now that everyone and their aunt has realized how comfortable yoga pants are, they’re available at everywhere from the Victoria’s Secret catalog to Costco. I will tell you, though – really good pants? They’re a whole ‘nother Oprah. They’ll help you with your arm balances and wick errant sweat off to Never Never Land.

A mat and a mat bag – I have yet to invest in a Manduka (the ultimate mat, I’m told) but I have gone through a few Gaiam mats and they are WAY better than going mat-free or (heaven forfend) a loaner mat from the gym. When you pick up the mat, buy a bag as well – it’s so much more convenient than accidentally fumbling your mat and having it unroll in the rain. (True story)

Flexible soled shoes – ok, so they’re not strictly for yoga, and I don’t wear them while I practice, but I swear they have helped with foot pain and tension SO much they might as well be a yoga accessory. When I wear them, I can articulate my feet all darn day – I no longer have sore insteps at the end of every day. They’re not quite the Nike Studio Wrap, but I think they’re a leetle more daily wear friendly, no?

A membership to Yogis Anonymous – I’ve been back and forth on joining a gym or buying a membership at a studio. There are SO many great yoga studios in Orange County, but a girl can only face so much traffic in one lifetime, right? Enter Yogis Anonymous. for $15 a month, I can take any level of class I want whenever I want. World class instruction and I don’t even have to leave my home? I’m in.

You can buy accessories to make your practice easier – blocks and straps and gloves and towels – but I don’t tend to use any of them. Which of these things are invaluable to YOUR practice? Let me know in the comments – I’d love to test drive something new!

