Yo La Tengo – “Ohm”

Posted on the 15 July 2013 by Audiocred @audiocred

Yo La Tengo have released a music video for “Ohm” from their most recent album, Fade (released January 15th). Being that Yo La Tengo are responsible for the greatest music video of all time, I was excited to check this one out. The video for “Ohm” is abstract and weird without being anything but friendly and goofy; exactly what you might expect from Yo La Tengo. Though the animation could have been stronger – I don’t think Yo La Tengo’s organic sound is particularly well suited to clinical and dimensionless flash animation – the spirit is vibrant. ”Ohm” has been mercifully truncated for the video (the album version is over six minutes long), but the song’s chipper, rambling attitude remains intact.

Needed: an image of the full “equation” being worked out on a whiteboard throughout the video. Choice excerpts include “What if God Was One of Us” being divided by “Do You Remember Walter,” The Cure being subtracted from The Fixx, and the phrase “Jello Biafra birthday party cheesecake.”