Yet Another Weekly Round Up…

By Mmeguillotine @MmeGuillotine

Hipster juice!

One of the reasons that I decided to resume my weekly round up posts (besides wanting to chat about odd little things that don’t warrant entire posts to themselves and would detract from the overall theme of posh doom and nice pictures) is that I wanted to force myself to take more photographs and take better note of the every day things that actually make up my life. I think it has been extremely successful in this respect as I’ve been taking photos of EVERYTHING – including this bottle of rather nice gin.

Hoxton gin is jolly nice but I think it may not be to everyone’s taste as it has a very definite coconut kick. Now, I really love anything coconut flavoured (unless it also contains meat or fish) so this is right up my street but if the very IDEA of Malibu or Bounty bars makes you feel queasy then this possibly isn’t the gin for you.

Despite my frolicking with gin, it’s been a rather quiet week as the Four Year Old came down with his first ever proper ear infection. I blame myself for this as I was so prone to them as a child that I went a bit deaf and had to have operations for abscesses. I spent my childhood HAUNTING the ENT department of the children’s hospital in Aberdeen and it would appear that I have passed on my rotten luck to my own offspring. Poor things.

Sadly, due to ministering to the sick, I had to miss the Pieminister press night last week, which is sad for us all as I was looking forward to eating PIE and taking photos of PIES to share with you all. Oh come on now, what could be more photogenic than a decent PIE for heaven’s sake?

Blood Sisters!

However, it wasn’t all gloom as there was MUCH excitement first when I finally bought tickets to see Wolf Hall and Bring up the Bodies at Stratford (I even had the day tickets went on sale marked in my calendar!) and also when the lovely Clive of Burning Eye dropped round a consignment of copies of Blood Sisters for me to sign ready for the paperback launch in a few weeks time after which copies will be available from here, the Burning Eye site and also Amazon.

Brownie mix!

Oh and the Seven Year Old was thrilled to bits when I booked him on to a cookery class yesterday morning with a company called Kiddy Cook who do classes all over the country. He’s been wanting to learn how to cook for AGES and as I don’t have the patience to teach him myself, finding a class is a bit of a God send for me. Anyway, it was perhaps the best £25 I have ever spent and he came home pleased as punch with a bag full of delicious chocolate cupcakes, chocolate decorated spoon things and also a lovely jar of brownie mix – all made by himself. Fabulous stuff.

In book news, I’ve finally managed to extricate myself from Amazon KDP which means that all three of my books will be available for different e-readers at some point very soon and of course, I’ve been busily writing away – Minette is almost fit to be seen and I’ve started work on my next book as well, which I will be talking a bit more about next week.

Ripper Street!


I’ve just DEVOURED Deanna Raybourn’s first Lady Julia Grey book: Silent in the Grave and absolutely LOVED it. Thanks to my annoying puzzle solving Aspergers brain, I worked out WHODUNNIT pretty quickly but I had a lot of fun getting to the point that Lady Julia worked it out as well and then, of course, the thrilling climax. This is an absolutely exceptional book and I immediately hastened to download the sequel as well.

Other Stuff:

We’re still ploughing through season four of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I’m still watching Sex and the City whenever my husband isn’t around (he went to see comedian Louis CK in London on Thursday evening and had a great time apparently – I’m not so keen on live comedy unless it’s someone I really really like) which I suppose makes it a bit of a not so guilty pleasure although as a rule that is a phrase that I really hate as it implies that the pleasure being enjoyed is a guilty one because it is RUBBISH AND YOU KNOW IT whereas I think that although Sex and the City provokes disapproval in many quarters, it’s actually a very well written and clever series. Anyway, I have just watched the episode where Trey presents Charlotte with a cardboard baby, which is just comedy gold – especially as my husband gets all huffy every time I mention that I have seen it and says ‘Well, no matter how bad you think I am, at least I’ve never done anything THAT bad.’ Yet.

Is it just me though or was Aidan MUCH better than Big? I don’t get how anyone could prefer one over the other but then there’s no accounting for taste.

Oh and my blu-ray of Ripper Street [Blu-ray] finally arrived so that’s next week’s husband free time when he’s out playing poker accounted for. I know that I really didn’t expect to enjoy Ripper Street but it really hooked me in and I thought that ultimately it was superb.

Poorly boy.

This Week’s Wisdom:

1. Forget what I said about writing as if someone you fancy is going to read it. It’s far better to write with the assumption that someone you really hate is going to – there’s nothing quite like the thrill of knowing you’re making them deeply envious of how amazing your life is compared to theirs to bring a spring into your step and to keep the humdrum details and usual GLOOM AND DOOM from prevailing. Far better to be a Tigger than an Eeyore. Or something.

2. I would have made a rubbish nurse.

3. I was recently talking to someone who asked me not to blog about me talking to them because I’ve previously blogged at GREAT AND MAWKISH LENGTH about their not talking to me but what the hell. Anyway, I was talking to this person who had previously not really talked to me and asked me not to blog about the fact that they are now talking to me and THEY turned out to be something of a secret fellow gin fiend and said that they have been known to drink gin with TEA and also Berocca, which has the effect of turning it into a ‘health drink’. ‘GIN ALREADY IS A HEALTH DRINK’ I pointed out (in block capitals of course) but I’ve been thinking about this ever since or, as Carrie Bradshaw would say ‘I got to thinking about this. “Is gin and Berocca actually a health drink or are we all just kidding ourselves?” Erm, anyway, I might try it. That’s all.

How about you? How’s your week been?