Most of my recent blog posts have been concerned with my ongoing, self imposed, 12 month paintings challenge, which I started on the 20th January 2020. The initial intention was to try and produce as many small oil paintings in a twelve month period as possible. I had originally intended to set myself the demanding but not impossible goal of 1000 pieces between January 2020 and January 2021, and I was easily on target - well, for the first week or so. Then I soon realised that putting that amount of pressure on myself would take all the fun out of painting, and wouldn't leave me any time to work on my sculptural projects.
'Black Dog', oil on card by UK artist, Wayne Chisnall
I'm not sure if this the same for other artists who work in more than one medium, but I find that after spending a certain amount of time in one creative field I like to take a break from it and switch to another. I'm currently at that switch over point and have just started working on some new sculptures (one series of which is a collaboration between myself and a ceramics artist, but we're keeping that one under wraps for now so I won't be posting about it for quite some time yet), so I dare say that most of my posts for the next month or two will be mostly sculptural in content.
'Wheeled Tumour With Crutch', oil on board by UK artist, Wayne Chisnall
However, I still have a backlog of small oil paintings/sketches, from my painting challenge, that I've not yet shared on my blog. So I'll share some of them now and a few more of them in later posts.
'Blond With Bag', oil on board by UK artist, Wayne Chisnall
Apart from 'Black Dog' all of the paintings in this new series are painted directly to the painting's surface with brush and oil paint, rather than being pencilled in beforehand. I really like the immediacy of this approach. You can often end up with a piece that has a vibrancy that you might not have got if you were being more considered and calculated.
'Hollow Dog Howling', oil on chipboard wall plaque by UK artist, Wayne Chisnall
When I first started my painting challenge on the 20th January 2020 I aimed to try and produce 1000 paintings/oil sketches, albeit small ones, over the following 12 months. Then I quickly realised that this wouldn't leave enough free time for me to work on any of my sculptural projects so now I've downscaled the target to 'as many as possible in a twelve month period'. I still think that I'll reasonably be able to hit the 400 mark by 20th January 2021.
'Hooded Hollow Dog', oil on board by UK artist, Wayne Chisnall
The mini oil paintings/oil sketches that I've produced so far are mostly painted on small, wall mountable, plywood or chipboard plaques (recycled form pieces of Victoria and Albert Museumpacking crates), or on old book covers and recycled pieces of primed mount board (recycled from the V&Amuseum's Paper Conservation Department and from their Picture Framing Dept.).
'Hollow Dog Floundering', oil on board by UK artist, Wayne Chisnall
I've already started selling some of the pieces from this new series. Apart from works in my Taster Menu series I don't usually sell original artwork for less than £500 but as some of these pieces are very small and quickly executed there will be a few available for as low as £200. For info on the prices and dimensions of any of the mini oil paintings I'm currently posting about please feel free to get in contact ( Some of my collectors prefer to pay in monthly instalments, so that's always an option if you're interested. To see all of the paintings in the project check out my Instagram page -
'Rock Hopper Hollow Dog', oil on board by UK artist, Wayne Chisnall
I'm also taking part in the Artist Support Pledge on Instagram (where any of my posts that have #artistsupportpledge in the text will be offering artwork for £200 or under). The initiative was set up by the artist, Matthew Burrows,and now has hundreds, if not thousands of artists taking part. Check out the pledge as there are some great artists involved (and surprisingly, some reasonably well known up-and-coming names in the artist world) - all offering prints and original artwork for £200 and under. So now is the time to pick up some art bargains.
'Reptilian', oil on board by UK artist, Wayne Chisnall
Here's what Matthew has to say about the initiative:"Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many artists have found themselves without work, teaching, technical support and gallery work. Exhibitions and sales have disappeared. In an attempt to help alleviate some of this stress I have instigated the ARTIST SUPPORT PLEDGE #artistsupportpledge The concept is a simple one. Artists post images of their work, on Instigram which they are willing to sell for no more than £200 each (not including shipping). Anyone can buy the work. Every time an artist reaches £1000 of sales, they pledge to spend £200 on another artist/s work. To make a pledge, post your work with the #artistsupportpledge and follow the # to see everyone else's work. Keep updated on new opportunities and announcements @artistsupportpledge Repost and tell your friends, colleagues and collectors. Let generosity be infectious."