Last year I began painting again and as an exercise in humility posted a painting on my blog and offered a few in my Etsy shop that I originally started to sell vintage finds. I thought it would be kind of cool if I could sell a couple of paintings.
The morning of March 13th, I was sleepily browsing through my normal list of blogs, clicked on The Pink Pagoda, scrolled down ignoring the text and spit out my coffee all over the screen.
I laughed out loud in disbelief. Jennifer's post was charming and the eye-opener I needed to instill a little confidence in myself. I still had a tough row to hoe to convince my family that my painting was a good idea. I joined a local art association and entered work in juried shows.
From this, Nancy of Powell-Brower Home and I became pals and even went on a field trip or two. She is so much fun and the connection was one of those surprise benefits of blogging that I never counted on.
I got rather sick in May but made up for things in June. Brisk painting sales and a few commissions led me to launch my website,
There were a few missteps.
Like this tongue in cheek tutorial of flower arranging. I couldn't get it right to save my life.
Then there was the Paint a rug party that still makes me wince when I think about it.
I think I should stick to stretching canvases and
I had tons of fun designing fabrics on Spoonflower.
I was even more surprised when a few people bought them, LOL!
That leads me to my resolution. Why am I always so surprised when someone embraces my work? I am very unsure of my taste and talents but if 60 paintings and a few yards of fabric are any indication, I need to keep going and and not question my self so much. A little humility is a good thing but not when it becomes a roadblock to successfully doing what you love. At the end of the year I also like to look beyond my life, consider the lives of others and the world. It is another chance to be thankful and reach out to others. I hope you take the time to do that and remember all of the positives in your life.
Have you made a list of the highlights of this year and all of your successes?