Year 2 as a Delaware High School Teacher

By Ryanshelton7 @LivingVipassana

Life keeps moving along. I’ve got some good news to report. Dhamma Delaware is working on a huge expansion which will increase capacity from 15 to around 60 students. After a year away from the Center, I’ve accepted an invitation to join the Trust. The Catholic High School I teach at will be starting the Second 30-Day Meditation Challenge at the end of September.

These 3 events are helping to solidify the presence of Dhamma in Wilmington, Delaware and in my normal life. Since I started meditating, I’ve tended to be consumed by meditation or be pushing it away to create space for work and relationships. Now I’m starting to succeed at integrating it into a traditional life. I teach high school science during the week, go to the Center to meditate on the weekends, and have enough time to fit in connecting with family and friends over some fun activities. Even more significant is that everyone at my school knows how much time I spend meditating, but it’s accepted as my quirky hobby.

With the Center capacity quadrupling, I’m curious to witness how Dhamma and the Wilmington community grow together. I didn’t expect 400 people a year completing courses to have a community level impact, but 1600 people a year? That might get the the attention of the larger community. I’m excited to be a part of it, and I’m excited to see how it unfolds. As the first urban Center, I hope it’s a success because a lot of people will benefit if it works.  Time to meditate.