Yay for Friday!!

By Blondie @heyblondieblog
It's Friday again!! That means another edition of Five for Friday.
Linking up to the Five for Friday ladies, Lauren Elizabeth  and Friday Favorites.

The short story is...I haven't lost my tummy yet. Not in pre-preggo clothes and preggo clothes don't fit right so this in between stage is frustrating. We joined a gym but cannot all go as a family until GB is 3 months old (when he can go to the childcare area). We are trying to figure out schedules to take turns going but it will be much easier to all go together. Trying to not be too hard on myself since it has only been 10 weeks and the first 7 of those were spent doing nothing but snuggling my little man! Just ready to fit back into some of my clothes!
I have some of the best girlfriends. They are godly women and push me to be a better wife, mom, employee, friend and christian woman. I am so thankful for them! With all the craziness of summer and having a baby it feels that I haven't had a full conversation with several of them. Excited to get together with a few of them tonight for girl's night!! We always pick up like we just saw each other yesterday.
Here is the list of Birmingham kid's clothing consignment sales. We have been truly blessed to have friends who pass down their girl's clothes to SK. And she is so petite that she usually wears them for a few years before outgrowing. What isn't passed down I like to buy at consignment sales. I typically look through what they have for the upcoming season and then go shopping! If you have never bought consigned clothing...check it out! I have bought brand new/with tags before for only a few dollars. I love 50% day as well. A lot of times there is still so much left you can buy twice as much. I actually don't know the last time I took the kids to a store to shop for clothes. Maybe a special occasion dress for SK. (We have bought them new clothes at a store but they were not with us) They are at school all day and I don't have to worry about having spent an outrageous amount of money on something that might get dirty and stained. I do have a 3 year old boy, remember! (Ex: I sent him to school yesterday in his nice big brother shirt and he came home with paint on it...hopefully washable paint)
Here we are last year... Spider man, Strawberry Shortcake, Daddy and I am one of Cathy's Chemosabes. (Our small group girls all dressed up like this as one of our sisters was fighting breast cancer)

No, it is not too early to be thinking about costumes! :) Not sure what SK wants to be but I assume OM will be a super hero again. Maybe Iron Man or he would be a really cute Hulk! Dagwood and I typically do not dress up but maybe we could be a family of super heroes or even the Avengers! Ha!
So...GB has slept through the night all week!!! For the past month or so he has given us a few nights and then back up at 3am and then a few more all nighters. But this week he has eaten anywhere between 5-9 and then not again until 5-6am. I love my nighttime snuggles of him on my chest while he goes to sleep. Once he is really out we swaddle him and put him in his bed. He'll stir every now and then but not wake up so we have let him sleep until he is serious about waking up. aka: screaming and hungry!
Blessed to have three good sleepers! We have the occasional getting in our bed at 3am but we don't mind it. They will be too old for that one day!
Happy Weekend, Y'all!!!