Yawn Gai Gai: 2019 SGCC

By Chaayen

It has been 4 long years since I came for the SGCC (now it isn't even called the STGCC). And dang the FOMO in me can't hep but wonder how much have I missed up. Cos I feel that SGCC seems so much more intriguing. There seems to be something for everyone. Even if it is not your thing, there is someone out there who is hooked onto it.
Apart from cosplay, artist alley and autograph sessions with comic illustrators, I was quite surprised to see 25% of the area filled with board/ card games. There was also a wrestling arena! It was quite an eye-opener, but quite frankly it is really not my thing. The geek in me hurriedly took refuge at the artist alley haha.

Whichever year it is, the story is more or less the same for me. There is always so much to see and even more to spend. Quick tips from the veteran - Always bring cash! Trust me, you will always end up spending more than what you initally intended. Also, always do a quick exploration of the place. You really want to find out fast what are the things you really wanna do and the stuff you really wanna buy so that you can better prioritise your time and money.
This year, I felt that there was a lot more activities, some of them free. I spotted a few booths selling photos with cosplayers. But none beat the model painting activity. I had quite a bit of fun and headache concentrating. I had to queue really long for it but it was worth the wait and I think I might have picked up a new interest along the way.

This year, there was definitely a lot more fringe activies and hot deals lying around. Book Depository was there and I ended up buying quite a few books for the bookworm at home. I mean there was some great discounts and a Lying Cat toy. So why not right? In addition, I also signed up for a free credit card and walked away with free vouchers. Not too bad a recoup.
Now that I am a bit older, I also have a bit more to spend. Hehe...if you are a loyal reader and wanna send me some fan gifts. Pss...I love mystery boxes. I had quite a bit of a love-hate relationship with PopMart.They had so many series, it was really difficult to settle for one without breaking my wallet. In the end, I chose Pucky because she had this fantasy, innocent charm. <3

Being surrounded around toys made me realize one thing - I should really have a kid soon if I want to have a good excuse to stock up endless lego and toys. :P Also, it would give me a legitimate reason to play without appearing too childish. On a side-note for new "comiconers", set aside at least a day for it and go with friends. Toys are not meant to be appreciated or enjoyed alone!~!
Till next year! In the meanwhile, I am playing with this year's goodies I amassed.