Yated Vs Torah

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
The Yated Neeman today posted a scathing article against the movement to bring korban pesach in our days, calling the people involved in these attempts "crazy" messianic" and "nationalistic".

I find it interesting that a newspaper that considers itself the voice of Torah Jewry, representing, or expressing, what the Torah wants from us and what happens from a Torah perspective, can come out against what is actually a mitzva d'oraisa, a mitzvah straight from the Torah, a mitzva that carries very serious weight involving kares and otherwise. 
Korban Pesach is not quite the same as going up to Har Habayit. Going up to Har Habayit is a mitzva, perhaps, of mora mikdash, but it isnt really explicit, more of a byproduct of the need to serve Hashem in various ways. Korban Pesach is an explicit mitzva, and one of the more major ones. Yated can easily continue its outspoken opposition to Har Habayit without starting to oppose explicit mitzvahs and the people who want to find a way to make them possible. 
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