Yard Sales and Clutter – Day 20

By Cynthialuhrs @wickedgreens

In preparation for moving this summer, my brother and his family, my mom, myself and some neighbors all had a yard sale this weekend. I haven’t done a yard sale in oh gosh, probably ten years. Let me tell you – it’s so not worth it from the $ perspective. However, it was worth it to get rid of lots of accumulated stuff. At the end of the afternoon, we loaded up everything and donated it to a local charity. Dusts off hands. Stuff gone, less to pack. It’s all good.

How’s your summer starting out?

As you know, I’m participating in a writing challenge through an online writer’s loop and an author there is doing a 60K in 30 day challenge – on Facebook and I’m in.

Total words so far – 20,707

Day 19 – 972
Day 18 – 0 took weekend off!
Day 17 – 0
Day 16 – 2,041
Day 15 - 2,078
Day 14 – 3,409
Day 13 - 225
Day 12  – 0
Day 11 – 0
Day 10 – 0
Day 9 - 2,377
Day 8 - 465
Day 7 – 2,294
Day 6 – 379
Day 5 – 0
Day 4 – 2,094
Day 3 – 32 0
Day 2 – 2,053
Day 1 – 2K


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