When Rosie and Jules discover a ground-breaking clinical trial that enables two women to have a female baby, they jump at the chance to make history.
Fear-mongering politicians and right-wing movements are quick to latch on to the controversies surrounding Ovum-to-Ovum (o-o) technology and stoke the fears of the public. What will happen to the numbers of little boys born? Is there a sinister conspiracy to eradicate men at play?
In this toxic political climate, Jules and Rosie try to hide their baby from scrutiny. But when the news of Rosie's pregnancy is leaked to the media, their relationship is put under a microscope and they're forced to question the loyalty of those closest to them, and battle against a tirade of hate that threatens to split them apart...
['After years of controversial research, scientists at Portsmouth University's Centre for Reproductive Medicine have this morning announced plans to create IVF babies from two women']***
(Dialogue Books, 6 June 2019, first published 4 October 2018, 384 pages, paperback, copy from @AmazonUK via #AmazonVine)
I knew within a few pages that I was going to love this book. My opinion was spot on. XX is one of the best, most engaging and original books I've read in ages. I expected the book to a lot darker than it actually was. That's actually a good thing because the author chose to go in a different direction rather than chose a predictable outcome. The dystopian world created in the book is very close to our world and I'd hesitate to real call it dystopian fiction, more like possible reality. Jules and Rosie are great characters. I was on their side from the beginning and really felt them when the media start to harasses and threaten them leaving them wondering if they can trust anyone as betrayal upon betrayal leaves them reeling and unsure if taking part in the trial was the right thing. I was completely absorbed in the characters and world of XX.