With mass adoption, the Xbox One could open up the television to a new experience.Our internet has allowed the knowns and unknowns, alike and unalike, to compete on a more level terrain.If television can assimilate into this process, business models of major studios nationwide may crumble.Although this sounds like a frightening time for entertainment publishing and distribution, it is also an exciting and defining time to live in.Watching every moment unfold is a privilege for those living to see it.Application developers for the Xbox One could easily release applications that showcase and recognize independent content creators, from filmmakers to musicians.
Xbox One May Impact Our Television Viewing Experience
Posted on the 07 June 2013 by Rashaunah @rashaunahasyaWith mass adoption, the Xbox One could open up the television to a new experience.Our internet has allowed the knowns and unknowns, alike and unalike, to compete on a more level terrain.If television can assimilate into this process, business models of major studios nationwide may crumble.Although this sounds like a frightening time for entertainment publishing and distribution, it is also an exciting and defining time to live in.Watching every moment unfold is a privilege for those living to see it.Application developers for the Xbox One could easily release applications that showcase and recognize independent content creators, from filmmakers to musicians.