Www.rajkotupdates.news : Drinking Lemon is as Beneficial

Posted on the 30 April 2024 by Geetikamalik

Why Lemon Water is good for you

Rajkotupdates.news says that drinking lemon juice with warm water is energizing and relaxing.

Both water and lemon juice have nutritional value on their own. Do they become healthier when combined together? The short answer is No!

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Rajkotupdates.news: Drinking lemons is just as good as eating them – this extra Vitamin C is needed

Vitamin C is an important ingredient in lemon juice. Scurvy is caused by a deficiency in vitamin C. We have known this for many years. Scurvy is usually associated with sailors who were not able to eat fresh fruit and vegetables on long journeys.

In Australia, we found that patients admitted to hospitals and referred for surgical procedures had low vitamin C levels. This may not represent the vitamin C levels of the entire community. It is possible that the factors contributing to their poor health also had an impact on their vitamin consumption.

Lemon water can help if you’re deficient in Vitamin C. Vitamin C breaks down at 30-40 degrees Celsius. This will have a small impact on the levels of vitamin C in warm lemon water.

Lemon Water: Other Benefits

Although research has shown conflicting results, lemon juice could have additional benefits.

  • According to a research, people with high levels of blood lipids (cholesterol), who drank the lemon juice for 8 weeks, saw no change in their blood pressure or weight.
  • A study found that drinking 125mL of lemon juice along with bread led to a small drop in blood sugar levels compared with drinking water or tea with the bread. In a small study, 30g of lemon juice mixed with water was found to have similar results when eaten before rice.
  • Researchers have found that the acidity in lemon juice blocks a salivary enzyme (salivary Amylase) which is normally responsible for breaking down starch. In turn, the starch is slower to be broken down into glucose in the lower stomach. It also takes longer for the glucose to travel through the intestinal wall and reach your blood. It is possible that this could lead to a reduction in the rise in blood sugar levels in diabetic patients, but it hasn’t been tested.

Rajkotupdates.news: Does drinking lemon detoxify the body?

Lemon water is not necessary to detoxify your body. The liver breaks down toxins and excess nutrients, which are then eliminated by the kidneys.

Vitamin C does not help in this regard. Any claims that lemon water will detoxify you are untrue. If you need detoxification, then you may require a liver replacement.

Does drinking lemon juice give you energy?

The short answer is that, aside from the placebo effect when you drink something that you think is good for your health, it is not true. You may experience fatigue if you do not get enough nutrients.

Some people prefer warm lemon water while others like cold. Ideal fluid temperature is that temperature where you will drink enough fluids in order to stay hydrated.

What are the risks?

Rajkotupdates.news: Drinking lemon water can be as good as eating it. Because it is acidic, many people worry that it will damage their tooth enamel. This is true for any acidic drink, such as orange juice and fizzy drinks.

Some dentists recommend the following methods to reduce acid erosion risk: * Rinsing with tap water immediately after drinking lemonwater

  • After a stroke, chewing sugar-free gum can boost salivation.
  • After drinking lemon water, do not brush your teeth.
  • Use a straw instead of direct contact to the teeth.

Lemon water, according to some experts can irritate your bladder, causing you to have the urge to urinate more often, especially during the night. They recommend switching to plain, unflavored water in this scenario.

One study found that reducing the intake of lemon drinks and other liquids had no effect on bladder inflammation.

Some people claim that lemonwater aggravates acid indigestion (heartburn). This has not been proven.


If you enjoy it, drink some lemon water! If you don’t like it, there’s no harm in not drinking it. Vitamin C is also found in other citrus fruits as well as vegetables and fruits.

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<p>The post www.rajkotupdates.news : drinking lemon is as beneficial first appeared on whatthehellz.</p>