WWW Wednesday #8

By Bibliobeth @bibliobeth1

It’s WWW Wednesday time again! Thanks to MizB at Should Be Reading for hosting.

To join in you need to answer 3 questions..

•What are you currently reading?

•What did you recently finish reading?

•What do you think you’ll read next?

Click on the book covers to take you to a link to find out more!

What are you currently reading?

The first in the Inspector McLean series, this crime novel based in Edinburgh is on the Richard and Judy Summer Book Club 2013 list – see my previous post HERE. I’m about 25% through, and liking what I read so far.

What did you recently finish reading?:

I read this book as part of my “Kid-Lit” challenge I am participating in with my sister. Absolutely beautiful story – if you haven’t read it, it gets a big thumbs up from me. Review to be posted very soon!

What do you think you’ll read next?:

This is another one of those novels I have been meaning to read for ages. It won the Man Booker Prize in 1990, and I’m really looking forward to it. Hoping it doesn’t disappoint as I wasn’t a huge fan of her novel The Children’s Book.

What are you reading this Wednesday? Please feel free to leave your link and I’ll visit you and have a nosey at your books. Happy Reading Everyone!