WWW Wednesday 14.05.14

By Lipsy @lipsyy

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading? • What did you recently finish reading? • What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading: I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump of late. I think it’s a mixture of being busy at work and home, being ill (stupid cold just won’t budge) and not wanting to start anything substantial because I was waiting on the 3rd book in The Selection Series, but IT STILL HASN’T ARRIVED. They’ll be a whole a post on this so I’ll just continue that rant in my head for now.

So basically, I gave up on waiting for The One, and started You’re the One That I Want which is my next ARC to be reviewed, but I wasn’t really feeling it. So eventually I reached for my go-to book when I’m feeling a bit meh…yes my friends, it’s Twilight time. Which works out perfectly because it’s also one of the books in my reread challenge. Hurrah.

And as always, it’s worked in pulling me out of my reading slump and I’m starting to enjoy the other one too.

Recently Finished: The last one I finished was After Wimbledon, which I finally got round to reviewing here.

Up Next: I would say The One, BUT IT’S NEVER GOING TO ARRIVE. So I don’t know. I have lots of review request books, and ARCs to get through as ever. AND a TBR pile challenge that is going terribly (1 BOOK SO FAR!)