Writing Tips for Writers Who Lack Confidence

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
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Eli Rose Social Media specializes in helping small businesses optimize their online presence. They offer everything from search engine optimization to easy to understand training to ongoing social media management. Every Tuesday, they offer insights to the readers of Little Indiana on how to use the internet and social media to build their online brand. You can also find them on Facebook and Twitter.

There are many great benefits to business blogging. However, many business owners are nervous about their writing skills. Follow the steps below to help make sure your readers see your expertise, not your spelling mistakes.

Keep it simple

You don’t need to write a book to prove you know your stuff. More often than not, keeping it short is the best way to get your point across clearly. If your article is longer than 500 words, consider breaking it into two or more parts.

Break it up

Similar to keeping things short, it’s important to make things easy to read. One of the best ways to do this is to make your article easy to scan. One dense paragraph of text is tough to read. Break things into paragraphs to make things easy for your audience to read.

Edit after writing

The internet is full of people who take an extreme amount of time to pick apart others’ grammar and spelling. After you’ve finished writing your article, go back and read it again. Look for and spelling and grammar mistakes. Make use of spell check. You’ll also want to make sure that your writing flows well so that your point is easy to understand.


People naturally gravitate toward pieces that have interesting headlines. In a world where people have limited time, they are likely to read only the things which seem the most interesting. Once you’ve written your article, make sure your headline or subject is eye catching so that people decide to click through to read it.

More than likely, you are an expert in your specific field. If you follow the steps above, everyone will focus on your expertise rather than your writing style.

Interested in learning more? Head on over to Eli Rose Social Media or follow them on them on Facebook or Twitter.

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